Tuesday, April 7, 2009

If You're Going to San Francisco

Well god, if she does exist, has a sick sense of humor.

For five years I have tried to get into the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco. The first three years the race closed before I could even register. Last year, Nike started a lottery system, and once again I was denied.

So this year, back when I still had a job, I again signed up for the lottery, entered my credit card information on the off chance I did get in and would have to pay for registration, and crossed my fingers.

Two weeks later I was let go. I would like to believe it wasn't because my performance suffered due to my typing with crossed fingers, but I guess I will never know.

In the chaos that ensued I had forgotten that I had signed up. That is until I got an e-mail from Nike a week later congratulating me on my acceptance.

My first thought was, really? I was concerned about this unnecessary expense and how it may strain my pocketbook. But that subsided and I remembered that a) my new mantra is "things happen for a reason and b) this is why I have a savings account.

That is when I allowed myself to get excited for this race. The finisher’s medal is a Tiffany’s necklace, handed to you by a really hot male model in a tuxedo -- just two of the reasons why it is so hard to get into this race.

Plus I have never been to San Francisco. I have known several people that I have been there and all have remarked that I would absolutely love it. I have seen pictures, and I love the idea that in just a few months I will be running through that beautiful, albeit hilly, city.

Also, the last time I trained for a marathon, New York City, Bosley gave me so much grief about it, he actually wanted me to promise to never run another marathon again, I had wondered how I was going to train for this one, undercover. I can also stay in San Fran longer without having to worry about how much vacation time I am taking.

So maybe god does know what she’s doing.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm so proud of you for getting in! You're just going to love San Francisco, too. People don't leave their hearts there for nothing.

Trish Ryan said...

That's amazing...congratulations! You will so be my hero when you finish this (and not just because you'll have a new piece of pretty jewelry!)


Anonymous said...

You get JEWELRY?! I ran the Detroit Marathon twice, and all I got was a gold-plated paperweight handed to me by a student volunteer. Which was nice, but... dude, it wasn't diamonds and abs.

Congratulations! Please blog about the event, we'd all love to see some pictures!

Tatiana said...

Yes, Sarah, I will get jewelry and chocolate and spa treatments and I will be blogging the whole experience. The training, the race, San Fran and all about my night with the male model that gives me that necklace (god willing). I will also try to get some pictures.

Oh, and for the record, I don't think my necklace will be made of diamonds. Probably just sterling silver.